A Unique Model

Moving Nevada Students Forward

nevada education
We Are on a Mission to Break Down Barriers.
Navigating Resources is Challenging
We help navigate the confusing maze of resources that students, families and educators are expected to navigate. And we do it inside and outside our schools.
What We Know
Every student can unlock their fullest potential. We witness success stories every day using our model of Integrated Student Supports.
How We Help Students
Our evidence-based model earns the trust of students and families while connecting them to critical education and community resources. Here is how we help.
map of Nevada to show CIS regions
CIS Nevada Regions

Our regions partner with schools in need, hiring site coordinators and mobilizing resources inside the school.

Where We Are
CIS NENV Group Site Coordinator Photo
Site Coordinators

Our superhero site coordinators are trained professionals who work with school administrators and other support professionals to assess needs, develop individualized school plans and build a culture and climate of collaboration for student success.

How We Help
Future Smiles Partner
Collaborative Partners

Schools, businesses and community agencies all work together with the site coordinator to provide the necessary resources and support, bringing community into our schools.

See Our Partners
Integrated Student Support

Our model is not about doing the work for students. It’s about leveling the field by making sure all students have what they need to unlock their potential to thrive.

Our site coordinators are in schools, walking by students’ side to get a deep understanding of the barriers and challenges they face. These caring adults build, strengthen and maintain relationships with students and their families—connecting them to the right community resources and tools, and empowering them to use them, to succeed in school and beyond.

Backed by evidence-based practices, personalized care and a “whatever it takes” approach, our model of Integrated Student Support equips every student to take on and tear down the barriers that stand between them and an equitable path to education. It’s a model only CIS can provide.

3 Tiers of support to schools, students and their families:

  • Tier 1: School-Wide Services
  • Tier 2: Targeted Programs
  • Tier 3: Individualized Support
cis location
Making an Impact

With more than 40 years of dedication and advocacy, Communities In Schools is committed to advancing our students’ opportunity to succeed and demonstrating our outcomes.

Our Results
Community Matters

Together We Make a Difference

Partner With Us
The Latest

What We’ve Been Up To

Welcoming Marlane Spain to the CIS Team
Project Marilyn Installs First of 55 Free-Vend Period Supply Machines at Local Elementary School Supported by Communities In Schools of Southern Nevada
Welcoming the New CIS Alumni Executive Board