Elementary schools across the nation hold reading weeks to encourage students to develop a life-long love of reading. This year, The Associated Students of the University of Nevada took part in supporting this pursuit – along with the help of Wolfie and some community partners including Communities in Schools of Western Nevada, The Nevada Wolf Shop and Nevada Cheer – during Wolf Pack Reading Day, which was held on Friday, March 3.
In addition to the campus organizations pulling together to donate both their time and resources to the event, Communities in Schools of Western Nevada, a non-profit dedicated to working with at-risk students in Washoe Country to improve retention and learning outcomes, also partnered with the University for Wolf Pack Reading Day. The non-profit helped University students organize their event, coordinated the school visits, arranged for members of the University to read to students and worked with the non-profit’s coordinators and school officials to facilitate the visit.
Auburn Harrison, executive director of Communities in Schools of Western Nevada, felt that this is exactly the sort of event that provides students with enrichment opportunities that they may not have access to otherwise.
“We believe Wolf Pack Reading Day gives students another reason to continue their education and strive toward graduation and college,” Harrison said.